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Coral Reefs Forever Postcard Stamps

Coral Reefs Forever Postcard Stamps

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The competing needs of man and wildlife threaten the existence of some of nature’s most vulnerable beings. The Save Vanishing Species stamp benefits the Wildlife Without Borders program, which funds conservation efforts both inside and outside the U.S. The program issues grants to five different multinational groups involved in protecting elephants, rhinoceros, tigers, marine turtles, and great apes. The semi-postal stamp pictures an Amur tiger. Also known as the Siberian tiger, the Amur once roamed Western and Central Asia. Their organs and bones, used in Asian medicine, and their lush pelts made them a profitable target for poachers. During the 20th century, the Amur tiger vanished from several nations and its wild population became nearly extinct throughout the region. Today, only a few hundred are known to roam freely. By joining conservation agencies from around the world, the United States is able to cross borders to reverse the threat of extinction.

  • Animals shown: African Elephant, Marine Turtle, Great Ape
  • Tiger, Asian Elephant, Rhinoceros
  • Mint never mounted

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